How to wear a Mens Suit Jacket with Jeans?


Using this combination of professional jackets along with casual jeans is a trend now-a-days. But a fashion perceived in a wrong manner can tear down your impression instead of making it. So, here we are going to see how to find perfect(?) matching jeans for your trendy jacket!

The classy-casual appearance is obtained by trying a suit jacket with jeans is a highly popular fashion in recent times, but believe me it is the most difficult style to coordinate. The look that was meant to be sporty can get ruined with the wrong choice of cuts, materials and accessories. Instead you may appear chaotic and tasteless. But with a right guidance and proper fashion sense one can pull off this look.

This is considered as a smart casual dressing style in the recent trends. Of all styles that a man or women carry, this is the one that discusses the most!

Do's and don'ts about Suit Jacket with Jeans look:

If you are trying to pair your elaborately decorated jeans with an embroidered suit jacket then that look may not be considered as stylish. This will make you overly gaudy grabbing all negative attention. The combination of simple and rich jeans with a sober suit will look respectable. Also the look significantly depends on the look and attitude of an individual carrying it.

While choosing a Suit Jacket:

Now that we know this combination does work well, but the look lots of times depends on some contextual factors.

The key for pulling off this look is either of it must have to be casual. If the jeans is Denim then wear some casual jacket on it, and if the jacket is trendy then wear a casual jeans on it. A blazer with jeans or a sport coat with jeans is also a successful dress.


Pick a right Jacket:

Once you have finally made your mind to wear this combination, take a keen look at the jacket that you are planning to wear. Does it right fit for the occasion, place and incident? Think twice about jeans. You may end up looking very comic with a wrong choice.

The most preferred fabrics are moleskin, linen, tweed or corduroy.

Pick a right jean:

The jean that is to be worn is equally important. Choosing latest fashion, simple jean will be a right choice. Always avoid the old versions. Colour wise it should suit your jacket colour and should not be contrasted in any case. Always wear dark jeans with the jackets. Avoid torn jeans. Tight jean is a better choice for wearing with jacket.

The last but obviously not the least important thing to be considered while choosing this stylish look is; you have to be in quite a decent shape for wearing it!

Is this a proper occasion for this dress?

In whatever way you wear them, jeans are informal.After saying that, wear this kind of dress only when you know the top layer is not going to be part of that occasion. And more importantly, your jeans and suit jacket are smartly complementing each other. If done correctly, a suit jacket with jeans can give you an outstanding look and great confidence.