Look Outstanding With Wing Collar Shirts


Several men do not even know the right way to select the collar of their formal shirts. Generally, most of them know only about one or two collar styles of formal shirts. However, you cannot blame them either because nowadays men do not have much time to pay much attention to the minute details of their outfit or they just go for the overall appeal. Therefore, you need to know that in order to create a complete formal look, they need to know about every single aspect of formal outfits. Although very few places come up with different types of formal shirts with varieties if collars, you should always look for the one that suits your appearance. In modern times, you will be able to find formal shirts with five basic collar styles such as button-down, tab, spread, pointed or straight and white dress shirt.

Our website www.mensitaly.com comes up with a large range of mens formal shirts with amazing discount offers.


All about Different Collar Styles of Formal Shirts

Button-down ? Although button-down collars are versatile, it can look dated if you do not team up with the right kind of outfit. You might have noticed that this collar style includes small buttons to hold the tips of the collars.

Tab ? Tab colors provides the wearer a very crisp look and ideal for dressier occasions. This style consists of a tabbed button near the Adam's apple to prevent shifting of collar points.

Spread ? Spread collar gives more formal look to the wearer. Although, you can find different varieties of this collar, it looks best with double-toned shirts.

Pointed or Straight ? One of the safest and easiest choices is straight or pointed collar as you can find it in almost all places. This common style comes up with a wide range of color choices and suitable for all men.

Winged ? wing collar shirts gives the wearer more sophisticated and outstanding look. Usually, classy men prefer to wear a winged collar in extremely formal events with their precious tuxedos. You can even consider this style to wear for serving business or corporate purpose. Moreover, nowadays; you can even find wing collars separately for attaching with your collarless shirt to get a perfect formal look whenever and wherever you want. However, winged collars tend to flatter almost all kinds of appearance.

Our website www.mensitaly.com comes up with varieties of formal shirts with different types of collar styles to suit your different needs and demands.